Home News De Geheime Tuin

De Geheime Tuin

Partygoers from “De Geheime Tuin” (The Secret Garden) festival were transported by tram from Rotterdam Central to a secret destination. There was loud singing and dancing to popular tunes. The DJ played catchy tracks that bystanders couldn’t hear. The young crowd went wild. It was a unique party, and a unique solution like Wattsun came in handy. Silent power!

Enjoy with Wattsun
Silent power in De Geheime Tuin

“De Geheime Tuin” is an original festival in Rotterdam where, during each edition, an as-yet undiscovered location is transformed into a creative cultural event. The location remains a secret until the night before the opening, as the name suggests. The festival is accessible to a broad and particularly young audience interested in exploring an unknown part of Rotterdam. In addition to discovering this new part of the city, visitors can enjoy a diverse cultural program.

“De Geheime Tuin” offers attendees a stimulating and surprising lineup featuring dance, theater, performance, music, workshops, and exhibitions. There is also a strong emphasis on (interactive) visual arts and decoration.

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