Home News Mobile Charging Station for Cycling 4 Climate Participants

Mobile Charging Station for Cycling 4 Climate Participants

On June 14, 2021, the second edition of the Climate Classic took place. A special cycling tour covering almost 400 km. In this blog, you’ll learn more about the bike ride and our contribution.

Cycling to raise awareness for the climate
Sustainability in every step

On June 14, 2021, Cycling4Climate organized a cycling tour of nearly 400 kilometers with a group of both well-known and less familiar cycling and sustainability enthusiasts. The route followed the coastline that would emerge in the Netherlands if the sea level were to rise too high—a coastline that should never become a reality.

We wholeheartedly agree with Cycling4Climate and can no longer delay drawing attention to the rise in sea levels. The consequences are immeasurable, affecting the entire Randstad and around 9 million Dutch people. In the last century, the sea level rose by 20 centimeters, and there is a threat of an additional 80 centimeters in this century. This is something we must prevent at all costs.

The ‘coastline’ as the route

The cyclists traced the coastline based on the Normal Amsterdam Level (NAP). This imaginary coastline roughly runs from Groningen to Goes. Without human interventions like building dikes and using pumps, this would be the coastline in the Netherlands.

Cycling4Climate uses the coastline as a metaphor because it illustrates that climate change can truly have an impact and could affect everyone in the Netherlands. As a country with a quarter of its surface below sea level (NAP), we are extremely vulnerable.

At the same time, they demonstrate with the cycling tour that with collaboration, speed, and perseverance, a lot can be achieved. These same aspects play a role in addressing climate change. Only together can we prevent the NAP coastline from becoming a reality.

Cycle more often

“With our 400-kilometer bike ride in a single day, we demonstrate the distance you can cover together. We call on all Dutch citizens in general and the one million cyclists in our country in particular to take the bike as often as possible. Pedal to work more frequently or rent a bike after a train journey. Even for longer distances, the bike is a great option. You get to be outdoors, enjoying the city or nature. It reduces CO2 emissions, promotes health, and, in this way, we collectively ensure that our children and grandchildren will also have dry feet in the future.”

Cycling4Climate’s mission is to make sustainability enjoyable through cycling events, raise awareness about the climate crisis, and show how we can make an impact. We support this mission, and that’s why we made it possible for all participants to charge their phones, Garmins, etc., during lunch using mobile sustainable solar energy from Wattsun!

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